Category: Wedding Planning

A wedding with pets.

Wedding with Pets and Avoiding a Mess

By Laurenzo Overee Contrary to conventional wisdom, weddings with pets aren’t always nightmarish experiences. You can probably picture your furry pal darting around unrestrained while your guests gasp in horror. The truth is, with the proper arrangements, your fur baby can enhance the fun and celebrations of the wedding atmosphere.  Consider this. A pet completely … continue reading

Wedding favours.

Wedding Favours That Will Impress Your Guests

By Laurenzo Overee Wedding favours are cute gifts that your guests receive when they tuck themselves comfortably at the banquet table. Did you know that the practice goes back to the old days of French and British aristocracy? Back then, wedding favours symbolised the joy of a newly married couple, so offering them to guests … continue reading

Bride in evening gown.

Evening Gowns for Your Wedding? Here Are Some Cool Ideas!

By Laurenzo Overee Evening gowns are some of the most majestic outfits you can don as a bride. Ideally, they should complement your personality, skin tone, and body type. You’ll look more glamorous and confident with the right fit. Such is the enchantment of the evening gown.  But of course, let’s not have those rigid … continue reading

bridal shoes

Choosing the Best Bridal Shoes for Your Grand Affair

By Laurenzo Overee   Bridal shoes, don’t you just love them? Shoes are, after all, one of a lady’s favourite accessories. Traditionally, brides went with white heels as the default choice for their bridal ensemble. But as with every bridal matter (e.g., wedding gowns), times have changed and now, anything goes.  The most important thing … continue reading

The Importance of Wedding Rehearsals

By Laurenzo Overee Wedding rehearsals are essential for your grand matrimonial affair. The only exception is if your event only involves you, your partner, witnesses, and the solemniser. If that’s the case, then you may dispense with the prep and mockups and jump straight to the actual day. Alas, that scenario doesn’t apply to most ... continue reading

Auspicious Wedding Dates for 2024

By Laurenzo Overee Tale as old as time, true as it can be, couples choose auspicious dates for their matrimony. And it’s a tradition that continues even into our modern digital age, where we hear things like mini-monies and remote weddings. After all, a wedding is a momentous occasion, and the perfect date makes it ... continue reading

Crafting the Ideal Wedding Speech

By Laurenzo Overee Crafting the ideal wedding speech might seem like a heroic feat, especially for introverted brides. Seriously, what do you even say? It might even give the same jitters you had when presenting a project in front of the entire class back in the good old school days. What if you go on ... continue reading

3 Golden Wedding Invitation Tips

By Laurenzo Overee We believe most brides have received a wedding invitation at least once in their adult lives. What was the initial thought that ran through your mind as you peeled the pristine white envelope? Probably a mixture of joy and excitement for the blessed couple. But then you find your eyes greeted by ... continue reading

Planning a Successful Engagement Party

By Laurenzo Overee Strategic angles in a wedding photography session can profoundly impact the bridal experience. Consider the process similar to filming a blockbuster film - the angles matter as much as the lead stars! A skilled photographer will guide you through some key poses.   Essentially, the angle contributes to your unique love story. ... continue reading

3 Tips for a Budget Wedding

By Laurenzo Overee The idea of a budget wedding may rarely cross the mind of an eager bride. But sometimes, unconventional situations present themselves (i.e., pandemic) – such is life. And these scenarios force couples to re-evaluate their finances. However, you should take comfort knowing that a budget wedding doesn’t suggest a second-rate affair.   ... continue reading

