Category: Wedding Planning
Wedding with Pets and Avoiding a Mess
By Laurenzo Overee Contrary to conventional wisdom, weddings with pets aren’t always nightmarish experiences. You can probably picture your furry pal darting around unrestrained while your guests gasp in horror. The truth is, with the proper arrangements, your fur baby can enhance the fun and celebrations of the wedding atmosphere. Consider this. A pet completely … continue reading
Wedding Favours That Will Impress Your Guests
By Laurenzo Overee Wedding favours are cute gifts that your guests receive when they tuck themselves comfortably at the banquet table. Did you know that the practice goes back to the old days of French and British aristocracy? Back then, wedding favours symbolised the joy of a newly married couple, so offering them to guests … continue reading
Evening Gowns for Your Wedding? Here Are Some Cool Ideas!
By Laurenzo Overee Evening gowns are some of the most majestic outfits you can don as a bride. Ideally, they should complement your personality, skin tone, and body type. You’ll look more glamorous and confident with the right fit. Such is the enchantment of the evening gown. But of course, let’s not have those rigid … continue reading
Choosing the Best Bridal Shoes for Your Grand Affair
By Laurenzo Overee Bridal shoes, don’t you just love them? Shoes are, after all, one of a lady’s favourite accessories. Traditionally, brides went with white heels as the default choice for their bridal ensemble. But as with every bridal matter (e.g., wedding gowns), times have changed and now, anything goes. The most important thing … continue reading